Linggo, Nobyembre 10, 2019

Ways To Protect Your Vehicle From Theft

Here are some tips that you can do to protect your car as well as yourself from losing a pricey investment.
As technology advanced, thieves have become more and more skilled at what they do too. So in order to protect your car from them, you have to be equally innovative; otherwise you’ll end up with no car. Here are some tips that will help counteract their ways.

Opt For Manual Cars
Majority of people nowadays no longer know how to drive a manual. If you want to feel more secure, drive a car thieves don’t know how to drive so that they won’t be interested in stealing it.

Tint Your Car Windows
Tinting your windows help keep valuable items inside your car out of plain eyesight, so burglars are less tempted to pick your car as their target. Aside from that, window tints also add an extra layer of protection for you windows because prevents your windows from easily shattering if burglars decide to break it since the film holds the glass together.

Install A Quick Release Steering Wheel
Did you know that you can get a detachable steering wheel? Oh yah! This snap-off anti-theft system will give carjackers a good struggle.  Even if they manage to break into your door locks, they still won’t be able to take your car, unless they’ve figured out a way to drive a car without its steering wheel.

Lock The Doors
You’d be surprised how many cars have been stolen because of this often ignored precaution. You may be thinking, who would leave their doors unlocked? But, apparently it happens. So, whether you’re in the car or not, always remember to lock the doors.

Hidden Kill Switches
The most challenging part of stealing a car is starting it without the key. What you can do is hide the connector so that it won’t start no matter how hard the thief hot wires the ignition. Now, the operative work is hide. Don’t just place it somewhere obvious, otherwise you just wasted your effort to outsmart the thieves and money you spent on it, considering it doesn’t come cheap.

Never Hide Keys In “Secret” Spots
No matter how much you think you’re hiding spot is clever, believe me, the thieves knows them already. So don’t risk it. Don’t leave any spare car keys inside or anywhere outside your car. If you must have a spare key, just entrust it to your wife/husband.

Attach A Giant Metal Bar To Keep The Steering Wheel From Moving
Not only that this makes potential car thief feel your automobile isn’t easy to take but it also prevents the steering wheel from moving. So even if the guy did actually try to, he won’t be able to finish the job since he can’t drive it.

Be Smart About Where You Leave Your Car
This one is pretty much another simple and obvious precaution. If you know you’re in a bad neighborhood, don’t park your car there. Choose a parking space that is well lit and is visible to security guards or any person who can watch over your car.

Don’t Leave Valuables In Sight
Your car is already hot in the eyes of a thief, leave wallet, phone, or anything of value in it and you just made your car a hotter target. Don’t make it more tempting for crooks to pursue your vehicle. It would be best not to leave any valuables inside your car whenever you have to go out and leave your car for long periods of time. Crooks will use any measure to steal things in your car once they’re set out to do it.

Make Use Of Alarm Sticker/Led
Have you noticed banks or any establishment these days with a warning sign saying “This premises are under CCTV surveillance”?  These warning signs help deter offenders from attempting since they’re aware of the tight security measures, or at least that’s what they think. There are available warning signs for cars too. This should make a thief hesitant to take his chances.

Take Good Care Of Your Car
When a car looks like it’s being looked after, thieves will know that it may be rigged with tracking devices and alarm. If so, they’ll know trying to steal it would cause a lot of trouble, making crooks less likely to even try. So make sure you take your vehicle to car servicing regularly to keep it looking sleek as well as in good running condition.

Keep Your Car In A Garage When Not In Use
What is easier to break into, a car in a garage or the one out in the open? Of course the latter! So it makes perfect sense to garage it. If you don’t have it at home, you can always rent a space. That may mean spending more money for rent, but rent fee is nothing compared to your car being stolen.

Buying a car is not a cheap investment, so getting your car stolen can really be heartbreaking not to mention infuriating. So if you would like to prevent that from happening to you as much as possible, here are some tips that you can do to protect your car as well as yourself from losing a pricey investment.

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